Errors in the Second Edition of
Handbook of Differential Equations
LAST UPDATED: April 21, 1998
(Great appreciation is extended to Alain Moussiaux for identifying
most of the errors listed below.)
- 1.
- On page 13, the definition of the Wronskian contains

This is incorrect, it should have been

- 2.
- On page 37, first line after equation (6.12), we now have
we find that B2-4AC=) and
This is incorrect, it should have been
we find that B2-4AC=0 and
- 3.
- On page 41, line 2 of Special Case 2, the equation beginning
'' should have been
- 4.
- On page 48, just above the displayed equation, we now have
If we form the equations
, then
This is incorrect, it should be (note the last element in the list)
If we form the equations
, then
- 5.
- On page 55, Note number 1, repeated ``a'' should be removed.
- 6.
- On page 80, first displayed equation, we now have a ``cl ''
appearing, this should have been ``cy ''.
- 7.
- On page 81, first theorem, line 3, we now have ``
appearing, this should have been ``
- 8.
- On page 82
- (a)
- Case (A), line 3, we now have ``
exists'' appearing, this
should have been ``
- (b)
- Case (C), line 2, we now have ``hatb '' appearing, this
should have been ``
- (c)
- Case (E), line 2, we now have ``hatb '' appearing, this
should have been ``
- 9.
- On page 111, reference 3, year is now ``190'', it should have
been ``1990''.
- 10.
- On page 124
- (a)
- First displayed equation, we now have
this should have been
- (b)
- Equation (31.5), we now have
'', this should have been
- 11.
- On page 126, line -5 , delete the word ``name''.
- 12.
- On page 127, last line before Transformation 4 is the
expression ``
'', this should have been
- 13.
- On page 129, line 2, the word ``dependent'' should have been
- 14.
- On page 145, line -6 , the expression ``
'' should
have been ``
- 15.
- On page 157, first displayed equation, the ``z '' in the
numerator on the right hand side should have been a ``x ''.
- 16.
- On page 169, first displayed equation, the ``a '' in the
second equation should not be present.
- 17.
- On page 186, third word is ``geberal'', it should be ``general''.
- 18.
- On page 187
- (a)
- line -3 , the last term in the equation is
``(-1)0[an(x)]w '', which is incorrect. It should have been
``(-1)0[an(x)w] ''.
- (b)
- line -1 , the first summation is given as ``
'', which is incorrect. It should have been
- 19.
- On page 194, part (C), the final equation is listed as ``
''. This should have been ``
- 20.
- On page 195, first displayed equation is
\exp \! \left[ (n-1) \int^x P(t) \,dt \right]
...xp \! \left[ (1-n) \int^s P(t) \,dt \right] Q(s) \,ds \right\}.\end{displaymath}](hode_2img24.gif)
This is incorrect, it should have been
u(x)= (1-n)
\exp \! \left[ (n-1) \int^x P(t) \,dt \right]
...xp \! \left[ (1-n) \int^s P(t) \,dt \right] Q(s) \,ds \right\}.\end{displaymath}](hode_2img25.gif)
- 21.
- On page 224, line 3, ``to be same'' should have been ``to be the
- 22.
- On page 228, equation (54.19) and the last displayed equation on
the page, the summations are ``
'', which are incorrect. They should have
been ``
- 23.
- On page 234, equation (56.2) is given as
(1-x)\left[ y\frac{d^{2} y' }{d {x}^{2}}-\left( \frac{d {y'}}{d {x} } \right)^2 \right]
This is incorrect, it should have been
(1-x)\left[ y'\frac{d^{2} y' }{d {x}^{2}}-\left( \frac{d {y'}}{d {x} } \right)^2 \right]
- 24.
- On page 244, first displayed equation is now

This is incorrect, it should have been

- 25.
- On page 249, second to last displayed equation
L[u]=\frac{W(u_1,u_2)}{u_1}\frac{d {}}{d {x} } \!
\left[ \f...
..._2)} \frac{d {}}{d {t} }
\left( \frac{u}{u_1} \right) \right],\end{displaymath}](hode_2img32.gif)
This is incorrect, it should have been
L[u]=\frac{W(u_1,u_2)}{u_1}\frac{d {}}{d {x} } \!
\left[ \f...
..._2)} \frac{d {}}{d {x} }
\left( \frac{u}{u_1} \right) \right],\end{displaymath}](hode_2img33.gif)
- 26.
- On page 250, note number 4, we now have

This is incorrect, it should have been:

- 27.
- On page 260, equation (65.6), we presently have

This is incorrect, it should have been:

- 28.
- On page 274, line -6 , the ``(68.11)'' should have been
- 29.
- On page 287, equation (72.18), the middle expression is

This is incorrect, it should have been:

- 30.
- On page 305, second to last line on the page, the
'' should have been
- 31.
- On page 307, note number 3, the ``
)'' should have
been ``
- 32.
- On page 327, equation (80.4) is given as

This is incorrect, it should have been (note one x should have been
a z )

- 33.
- On page 331
- The second to last displayed equation on the page is given as

This is incorrect, the equation should have been

- The last displayed equation on the page is given as

This is incorrect, the equation should have been

- 34.
- On page 333, equation (82.2) is given as
. This is incorrect, it should have been (note the minus sign)

- 35.
- On page 334, equation (82.6) is given as
. This is incorrect, it should have been (note the minus sign)

- 36.
- On page 339
- equation 84.2 is presently:
.This is incorrect, it should have been:
. - last line, the ``(84.)'' should have been ``(84.1)''.
- 37.
- On page 358, second displayed equation, second equation is given
as ``
''. This is incorrect, it should have been ``
. - 38.
- On page 372:
Equation (94.17) is given as:
This is incorrect, it should have been
. - Equations (94.18) is given as:
This is incorrect, it should have been
- 39.
- On page 385:
The matrices listed as:
are incorrect, they should have been
. -
Equation (98.4) is listed as
This is incorrect, it should have been

- 40.
- On page 386:
The first displayed equation is:

This is incorrect, it should have been:

The second displayed equation is:

This is incorrect, it should have been:

- 41.
- On page 392, first line contains ``were quasilinear''.
This is incorrect, it should have been ``were linear''.
- 42.
- On page 579, the 7th displayed equation is now

the quantity h3 is in error, it should be h2 .
That is, the formula should read

- 43.
- On page 581, the first two displayed equations are:
They are incorrect, they should have been (note the interchange of x
and y in the first two equations, and the three needed modifications
, and
- 44.
- On page 645, equation (166.2), the terms ux and uy should
be replaced by vx and vy .