Table of Contents
Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae
(30th edition)
(by Zwillinger)
- Analysis
- Constants
- Special numbers
- Series and Products
- Fourier series
- Complex analysis
- Real analysis
- Generalized functions
- Algebra
- Elementary Algebra
- Polynomials
- Number Theory
- Vector Algebra
- Linear and Matrix Algebra
- Abstract algebra
- Discrete mathematics
- Set theory
- Combinatorics
- Graphs
- Partially ordered sets
- Combinatorial design theory
- Inclusion/exclusion
- Communication theory
- Costas arrays
- Difference equations
- Discrete dynamical systems
- Operations research
- Geometry
- Coordinate systems in the plane
- Plane symmetries or isometries
- Other transformations of the plane
- Lines
- Polygons
- Circles
- Conics
- Special plane curves
- Coordinate systems in space
- Space symmetries or isometries
- Other transformations of space
- Direction angles and direction cosines
- Planes
- Lines
- Polyhedra
- Cylinders
- Cones
- Spheres
- Surfaces of revolution: The torus
- Quadrics
- Knots up to eight crossings
- Differential geometry
- Angle conversion
- Continuous mathematics
- Differential calculus
- Differential forms
- Integration
- Tables of indefinite Integrals
- Tables of definite Integrals
- Ordinary differential equations
- Partial differential equations
- Eigenvalues
- Integral Equations
- Tensor Analysis
- Orthogonal coordinate systems
- Control theory
- Special functions
- Trigonometric or circular functions
- Circular functions and planar triangles
- Inverse circular functions
- Spherical geometry and trigonometry
- Exponential Function
- Logarithmic Functions
- Hyperbolic functions
- Inverse hyperbolic functions
- Gudermannian function
- Orthogonal Polynomials
- Gamma Function
- Beta Function
- Error functions and Fresnel integrals
- Sine, cosine, and exponential integrals
- Polylogarithms
- Hypergeometric functions
- Legendre functions
- Bessel functions
- Elliptic integrals
- Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
- Integral Transforms: Preliminaries
- Fourier integral transform
- Discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
- Fast Fourier transform (FFT)
- Multidimensional Fourier transforms
- Laplace Transform
- Z-Transform
- Hilbert transform
- Hankel transform
- Tables of transforms
- Probability and statistics
- Probability theory
- Probability distributions
- Queuing theory
- Markov chains
- Random number generation
- Control charts
- Statistics
- Confidence intervals
- Tests of hypotheses
- Linear regression
- Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
- Probability tables
- Signal processing
- Scientific computing
- Basic numerical analysis
- Numerical linear algebra
- Numerical integration and differentiation
- Programming techniques
- Financial analysis
- Financial formulae
- Financial tables
- Option pricing
- Misellaneous
- Units
- Calender computations
- AMS classification scheme
- Greek alphabet
- Professional mathematical organizations
- Electronic mathematical resources
- Computer languages
- Fields medals
- Biographies of mathematicians
- ASCII character codes