Talk by Daniel Zwillinger
5 June 1998
This file contains:
(1) a list of slide titles (hyperlinked), and
(2) contents of each slide.
- Creating Electronic Technical Books
- Creating electronic technical books
- Overview
- Why do electronic publishing?
- How to do electronic publishing?
- Who has done electronic publishing?
- IETM: Class 1 (Electronically indexed pages)
- IETM: Class 2 (Electronically Scrolling Documents)
- IETM: Class 3 (Linearly Structured IETMs)
- IETM: Class 4 (Hierarchically Structured IETMs)
- IETM: Class 5 (Integrated Database)
- IETM: Results
- Zwillinger publishing experience
- Aztec publishing experience
- Abramowitz and Stegun: Survey results
- Handbook of Mathematical Functions
- Abramowitz and Stegun: Extensions I
- Abramowitz and Stegun: Extensions II
- Abramowitz and Stegun: Recommendations I
- Abramowitz and Stegun: Recommendations II
- Example of phases for G&R
- Mathematical books
Creating Electronic Technical Books
5 June 1998
Daniel Zwillinger
Creating electronic technical books
Creating electronic books (or converting print books) can be done
straightforwardly (and poorly) or with additional effort (and well).
Considerations include:
- How to locate information (the linear read of a print book is not
the ideal way to locate a chunk of information),
- How to turn the text information into "chunks" (many screenfuls of
material is not useful)
- How to implement the product (avoid proprietary technologies)
- How to define a framework for contributors (multi-platform
conventions must be established and enforced)
This talk will detail experiences the author has had in all of these
steps. Results may be found at
- Review electronic publishing capabilities/desires
- Zwillinger (and Aztec) experience in print/electronic publishing
- User survey of Handbook of Mathematical Functions (A&S)
- Comments on Handbook of Mathematical Functions
- Recommendations
Why do electronic publishing?
- Print versions getting too large (CRC has many 2000+ pages
- Too much information available (difficult to find desired
- Cheaper to produce, distribute, revise
- Electronic publishing allows new capabilities
- Frequently more useful than print version
- How information will be presented in future
How to do electronic publishing?
- Desires
- Want re-usable components
- Can handle all types of relevant components
mathematical typesetting,
numerical computations)
- Easy to distribute (i.e., on net or CD-ROM)
- Usable on large number of platforms
- Avoid using proprietary software packages
- Product should have "publish on demand" capability
- Product should be easy to revise
- Conclusion
- Use net browser
- Construct product in HTML, Javascript, Java, and publically
available plug-ins
- Design investment required
Who has done electronic publishing?
- Government
- Industry
- Software manufacturers: Mathematica notebooks, Maple worksheets,
Macsyma notebooks
- Publishers: CRC, AP, AW, etc
- Education: Houston Community College System,
Logal (
- Other
- latex2html converts "vanilla" LaTeX into "vanilla" HTML
David Taylor Model Basin, Carderock Division, Naval Surface
Warfare Center (CDNSWC) provides Navy with expertise in technical
information publishing areas.
- They are the Navy's focal point for SGML (ISO 8879), the Navy
DTD/FOSI Repository, and lead laboratory for the Tri-Service
(Navy, Air Force, Army) effort in the standardization and
development of Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETM).
An IETM is a technical manual designed for electronic-window
display, with the characteristics:
Format/style optimized for window presentation to assure
maximum comprehension; format is "frame-oriented", not
The technical data is interrelated so that a user's access to
the information is facilitated to the greatest extent
possible, and is achievable by a variety of paths.
The IETM display device can function interactively in
providing procedural guidance, navigational directions, and
supplemental information.
MIL-M-87268 and MIL-D-87269 define the process for authoring and
displaying IETMs. They implement an underlying strategy that separates
the IETM source database from the electronic display of the formatted
IETM. MIL-M-87268 defines how the IETM should look and behave to
the reader. MIL-D-87269 establishes the IETM database forms,
structure, and key controlling mechanisms. MIL-Q-87270 establishes
quality standards for IETMs.
- There are five classes of IETMs
- Conclusion:
Want a single database containing all information.
User interaction is a database request.
IETM: Class 1 (Electronically indexed pages)
- Display
- Full page viewing
- Page-turner/Next function
- Intelligent index for user access to page images
- Page integrity preserved
- Data Format
- BitMap (raster)
- Indexing and header files (Navy Mil 29532)
- MIL-R-28001 or Postscript pages
- Generic COTS imaging system formats
- Functionality
- Access pages by intelligent index/header information
- View page with pan, zoom, etc., tools
- Limited use of hot-spots
- Useful for library or reference use
IETM: Class 2 (Electronically Scrolling Documents)
- Display
- Primary view is scrolling text window
- Hot-spot access (hyperlinks) to other text or graphics
- User selection and navigation aids (key-word search, on-line indices)
- Minimal text-formatting for display
- User selectable call to (launch) another process
- Data Format
- Text - ASCII
- Graphics - whatever viewer supports - e.g., BMP or CALS
- Can be SGML tagged - no page breaks (browser)
- Access/index often COTS dependent with hypertext browser
- Generic: COTS with hypertext browser
- Functionality
- Browse through scrolling information
- User selection of graphics or hot-spot reference to more text
- Hot-spot and cross-reference usually added after original authoring
IETM: Class 3 (Linearly Structured IETMs)
- Display
- View smaller logical block of text -- less use of scrolling
- Interaction through dialog boxes
- Text and graphic simultaneously displayed in separate window when keyed together
- Data Format
- Linear ASCII with SGML tags
- SGML with content vice format tags
- Maximum use of MIL-D-87269
- Generic: SGML tags equivalent to MIL-D-87269
- Functionality
- Dialog-driven interaction
- Logical display of data in accordance with content
- Logical NEXT and BACK functions
- User-selectable cross-references and indices
- Content specific help available
IETM: Class 4 (Hierarchically Structured IETMs)
- Display
- View smaller logical block of text -- very limited use of scrolling
- Interaction through dialog boxes with user prompts
- Text and graphic simultaneously displayed in separate window when keyed together
- Data Format
- Fully attributed database elements (MIL-D-87269)
- Authored directly to database for interactive electronic output
- Data managed by a DBMS
- Interactive features "authored in" vice added-on
- Functionality
- Dialog-driven interaction
- Logical display of data in accordance with content
- Logical NEXT and BACK functions
- Useful as interactive maintenance aid
- User-selectable cross-references and indices
- Content specific help available
IETM: Class 5 (Integrated Database)
- Display
- Same as Class 4 for IETM function
- Expert system allows same display session and view system to provide simultaneous access to many differing functions (e.g., supply, training, troubleshooting)
- Data Format
- IETM info integrated at the data level with other application info
- Does not use separate databases for other application data.
- Identical to Class 4 standards for IETM applications data
- Coding for Expert Systems and AI modules when used
- Functionality
- Single viewing system for simultaneous access to multiple info sources
- Same as Class 4 for IETM functions
- Expert system to assist in NEXT functions, based on information gathered in session
IETM: Results
"IETMs allow the user to locate required information faster and
more easily than is possible with a paper technical
manual. IETMs, when designed to the DoD IETM specifications, are
easier to comprehend, more specifically matched to the system
configuration under diagnosis, and are available in a form that
requires much less physical storage space than paper."
Nugent et at. 1987 indicated that maintenance technicians
using a computer-based electronic document with artificial
intelligence assistance on troubleshooting completed tasks in
less than half the time it took those with paper manuals. Even
novices, using the electronic job aid, could troubleshoot 12%
faster than experienced technicians using paper manuals.
Zwillinger publishing experience
- Print publishing
- Have written two reference books (HODE, HOI)
- Have edited a reference book (CRC)
- Electronic publishing
- Have handed my own book off to others (CRC->Maple)
- Have translated book I have written (HODE)
- Have translated books written by others
(Stroyan, Schechter) (G&R in process)
Aztec publishing experience
- Effort required to
- Understand layout and macros (regularity is key)
- Re-think logical structure (linear read no longer appropriate)
- Decide on product granularity
- Design and construct interface
- Pre-process data and create static databases
- Fine tuning & testing
- Add capability not present in print product
- Indices: Complete indexing of entire work, and specialized ones
- Searching on functional aspects
(HODE: systems of PDEs, G&R: types of integrand)
- Pop-up figures/references
- Multi-level granularity for easy information location
- Electronic interactivity
- External: Mathematica notebooks, Maple worksheets, VRML
- Internal: Java programs, applets
Abramowitz and Stegun: Survey results
- Dave Isaacson (RPI)
- Definitions / Formulas / Algorithms for computing
/ Asymptotics / Graphs and Numbers
- "Right now I probably use Maple more to obtain numbers and graphs from
the special functions after I've figured out which ones I need
from Abramowitz."
- "Perhaps an online version of Abramowitz added to
Maple would be very helpful?"
- Rob Gross (BC)
"I use it for notation and definitions, with the occasional
numerical value. These days, though, I don't often run into a
numerical value that I can't get out of a computer program."
- Catherine Roberts (Northern Arizona U)
"I use the information on special functions the most - Error and
Gamma, to be precise. It would be nice to have MORE information
about special functions in there - plus on transforms like the
Mellin transform. The kind of information that I look up in my
Erdeli Higher Transcendental Functions would be helpful."
"I also look up information about the integrals w/infinite
limits, to seek alternate forms and such."
Handbook of Mathematical Functions
- Presently contains
- notation
- definitions
- relationships (asymptotics, etc)
- algorithms for numerical values
- numerical values
- Possible enhancements
- additional functions
- more algorithms
- actual code
- more/better graphics (such as 3D)
- interactive capability
Abramowitz and Stegun: Extensions I
- Tables/algorithms: static and dynamic (local or remote running)
- Graphs of values: 2D and 3D, static and dynamic
- Searching (with wild cards) for: (1) all words in product, (2) human
created index
- Write content in a "meta language" translatable to
Mathematica, Macsyma, etc. Note sin x cos x.
- Enter integral (differential equation, or recursion relation) and
have product determine appropriate functions
- For each function, show relationship to other specified
special functions
- Print interaction results with book quality formatting
Abramowitz and Stegun: Extensions II
- Add links to relevant web sites, or include if possible
- If discrete special functions included
add graphical listing capabilities (i.e., necklaces at
- Other capabilities include:
- Save searches for re-use
- Allow notes to be taken and stored
- Allow regions to be highlighted
- Integrate with speech readers
- ...
Abramowitz and Stegun: Recommendations I
- Determine content
- Determine allowable queries
- Determine response to queries
- Determine additional electronic functionality
- Define unique representation of all functions for authors.
Example: the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients are (j1j2m1m2| j_1j_2jm),
this j2 is not a Bessel function.
- Determine components and content of sample chapter(s)
- Have graphic artist design the style of the work
(both print and electronic versions)
- Design and construct interface
- Design and construct databases
- Design and construct codes to populate databases
Abramowitz and Stegun: Recommendations II
- Create style guide for authors
Example: cross-platform functionality requires:
- all lowercase file names
- no special characters in file names (such as "." or "&")
- Phase in steps slowly
- Do extensive testing
Example of phases for G&R
- Phase I:
* Make the content of the book electronic.
* Index integrals
* Use interface similar to
- Phase II:
* Allow integrals to be entered in Macsyma notation, Mathematica
notation, etc
* Integrals translated: as input to TeX, input to Maple, etc.
* Call to appropriate computational engine
* Locate class of integrals corresponding to the input integral.
- Phase III:
* Translate integrals to a "processing" language
(Macsyma? Lisp?).
* Perform simple "verification" of the integrals.
* Search engine locates a specific desired integral.
- Phase IV:
* Add point-and-click interface for easy integral entry
- Phase V:
* Include a computation engine to evaluate integrals not tabulated.
- Phase VI:
* Web site for users to contribute new integrals to the "master
Mathematical books
Great reference books in applied mathematics:
- Handbook of Mathematical Functions (A&S)
- Standard Mathematical Tables & Formulae (CRC) (editor-in-chief)
- Tables of Integrals, Series, and Products (G&R) (navigator, in process)
- Handbook of Differential Equations (HODE) (author, navigator)