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Errata for Handbook of Integration

by Daniel Zwillinger
(Boston, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett, now distributed by AK Peters, 1992) x+367pp. ISBN 0-86720-293-9

Table of contents can be viewed here
Reviews can be viewed here.

LAST UPDATED: November 10, 2000

  1. Elliptic Integrals, Chapter 34, page 149, line 4, we presently have
    tegral $ \int tR_4(t^2)/\sqrt{S}\,dt$ can be evaluated in terms of logarithms and arc-
    This is incorrect (the subscript should have been ``5'', not ``4''), it should have been
    tegral $ \int tR_5(t^2)/\sqrt{S}\,dt$ can be evaluated in terms of logarithms and arc-

  2. Stationary Phase, Chapter 50, page 227, equation (50.2), we presently have

    $\displaystyle I_c\sim g(c)\sqrt{\dfrac{2\pi}{\lambda \vert f''(c)\vert} } \exp \left[ i\lambda f(c)-\frac{i\pi}{4}\mathop{\hbox{\rm sgn}}f''(c) \right]$    

    This is incorrect (the sign was incorrect), it should have been

    $\displaystyle I_c\sim g(c)\sqrt{\dfrac{2\pi}{\lambda \vert f''(c)\vert} } \exp \left[ i\lambda f(c)+\frac{i\pi}{4}\mathop{\hbox{\rm sgn}}f''(c) \right]$    

  3. Gaussian Quadrature: Generalized, Chapter 68, page 293, equation (68.3), we presently have, in part

    $\displaystyle \frac{(p_i,p_i)}{(p_{i-1},p_{i-1})}$    

    This is incorrect (the numerator was incorrect), it should have been

    $\displaystyle \frac{(xp_i,p_{i-1})}{(p_{i-1},p_{i-1})}$    

Errata for Handbook of Integration

Last Update: